Wales Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Wales

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Air Mileage Chart of Wales

Distance (kilometers)
St David's
St Asaph
Merthyr Tydfil
Cardiff 17 55 205 151 198 175 188 25 28 11 71 22 48 33
Newport 17 66 198 160 188 162 176 32 41 28 81 7 56 32
Swansea 55 66 179 95 185 171 182 34 29 53 16 64 11 42
Bangor 205 198 179 168 46 78 70 184 195 211 172 191 175 172
St David's 151 160 95 168 196 201 206 128 124 148 79 156 104 131
St Asaph 198 188 185 46 196 38 26 182 195 206 182 181 179 168
Wrexham 175 162 171 78 201 38 15 161 176 184 171 155 163 147
Buckley 188 176 182 70 206 26 15 174 188 197 181 169 175 159
Tonypandy 25 32 34 184 128 182 161 174 16 28 49 30 24 15
Bridgend 28 41 29 195 124 195 176 188 16 24 45 41 24 30
Barry 11 28 53 211 148 206 184 197 28 24 69 32 47 39
Llanelli 71 81 16 172 79 182 171 181 49 45 69 78 25 55
Cwmbran 22 7 64 191 156 181 155 169 30 41 32 78 54 27
Neath 48 56 11 175 104 179 163 175 24 24 47 25 54 31
Merthyr Tydfil 33 32 42 172 131 168 147 159 15 30 39 55 27 31

Map of Wales with Flight Distances

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