Map of Santo Antônio do Pousalegre

Here is the location map of Santo Antônio do Pousalegre.

Where is located Santo Antônio do Pousalegre?

Region is located in Espírito Santo, Southeast Region, Brazil. Santo Antônio do Pousalegre is located 61 km from Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo and 71 km from Camping da Vila. The nearest lake Lagoa Juparanã is 95 km away. The nearest beach Praia Brasiliana is 70 km away. The nearest museum Centro de Visitantes e Lanchonete is 84 km away. The nearest park Ilha das Andorinhas is 70 km away. The nearest castle Portal is 225 km away. The nearest city Cobraice is 48 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals