Map of Hospital Regional de Lagarto

Here is the location map of Hospital Regional de Lagarto.

Where is located Hospital Regional de Lagarto?

Hospital is located in Novo Horizonte, Lagarto, Lagarto, Microrregião do Centro Sul Sergipano, Mesorregião do Agreste Sergipano, Sergipe, Northeast Region, Brazil. Hospital Regional de Lagarto is located 1 km from Universidade Federal de Sergipe and 37 km from Camping. The nearest lake Rio Caiçá is 27 km away. The nearest beach Croa do Goré is 58 km away. The nearest museum Museu Palácio do Governo is 67 km away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Reserva Ecológica Pico do Jabre is 409 km away. The nearest castle Castelo Garcia D'Ávila is 189 km away. The nearest city São Domingos is 18 km away.

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