Map of IPS Clínica Fundacion ESENSA - Cali

Here is the location map of IPS Clínica Fundacion ESENSA - Cali.

Where is located IPS Clínica Fundacion ESENSA - Cali?

Hospital is located in Urbanización Militar, Comuna 19, Santiago de Cali, Cali, Colombia. IPS Clínica Fundacion ESENSA - Cali is located 1 km from IU-Escuela Nacional del Deporte and 9 km from Centro de eventos campestre Inti Raimi. The nearest lake lagos de pesca barú is 20 km away. The nearest beach Los Ceibos is 44 km away. The nearest museum Convento de San Francisco is 4 km away. The nearest park CANOAS is 48 km away. The nearest castle Castillo is 320 km away. The nearest city Atalaia do Norte is 1,117 km away.

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