Map of Nova Aurora

Here is the location map of Nova Aurora.

Where is located Nova Aurora?

City is located in Nova Aurora, Microrregião Cascavel, Mesorregião Oeste Paranaense, Paraná, South Region, Brazil. Nova Aurora is located 46 km from Universidade do Oeste do Paraná and 85 km from Estância Coroados. The nearest lake Lago Municipal is 31 km away. The nearest beach Pista de Laço e Hipismo is 50 km away. The nearest museum Espaço CUltural Arlindo Paludo is 51 km away. The nearest park Refugio Biológico Pozuelo is 116 km away. The nearest castle Castelletto Dal Pozzo is 109 km away. The nearest city Anahy is 18 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals