Map of Shands Starke Regional Medical Center

Here is the location map of Shands Starke Regional Medical Center.

Where is located Shands Starke Regional Medical Center?

Hospital is located in Starke, Starke, Bradford County, Florida, United States. Shands Starke Regional Medical Center is located 35 km from University of Florida East Campus and 56 km from Sportsman's Cove Campground. The nearest lake Lake Crosby is 5 km away. The nearest beach Kurzius Beach is 66 km away. The nearest museum Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art is 43 km away. The nearest park Ordway-Swisher Biological Station is 29 km away. The nearest castle Cinderella Castle is 177 km away. The nearest city Starke is 1 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals