Map of Zapotal Santa Cruz

Here is the location map of Zapotal Santa Cruz.

Where is located Zapotal Santa Cruz?

Region is located in Terrenos del Lote 19 "Ojital y Potrero", Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico. Zapotal Santa Cruz is located 8 km from Universidad Veracruzana - Facultad de Arquitectura and 8 km from Xanath Parque Ecológico. The nearest lake Cueva del diablo is 66 km away. The nearest beach Playa Maracaibo is 72 km away. The nearest museum Zona Arqueológica "El Tajín" is 3 km away. The nearest park cerro del chiquihuite is 207 km away. The nearest castle Fortaleza de San Carlos de Perote is 98 km away. The nearest city Papantla de Olarte is 9 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals