Benue Driving Distance Calculator

Road Mileage Chart of Benue

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Air Mileage Chart of Benue

Distance (kilometers)
Katsina Ala
Makurdi 75 103 121 32 23 37 79 74 54 11 78 82 109 79
Otukpo 75 127 54 60 61 63 65 11 24 67 7 59 44 33
Katsina Ala 103 127 180 81 120 136 171 117 108 111 123 74 123 100
Otukpa 121 54 180 113 102 96 69 63 77 111 57 109 71 82
Igbor 32 60 81 113 41 56 91 55 37 34 60 50 83 52
Tseyior 23 61 120 102 41 16 57 63 45 12 66 84 101 74
Yagba 37 63 136 96 56 16 43 68 52 27 69 96 106 82
Ijegge 79 65 171 69 91 57 43 74 69 68 72 117 108 95
Tsenyebe 74 11 117 63 55 63 68 74 20 67 6 48 38 22
Orya 54 24 108 77 37 45 52 69 20 48 24 48 56 30
Iwa 11 67 111 111 34 12 27 68 67 48 71 81 103 75
Akpagedde 78 7 123 57 60 66 69 72 6 24 71 53 38 27
Gwar-Ikan 82 59 74 109 50 84 96 117 48 48 81 53 50 27
Aloma 109 44 123 71 83 101 106 108 38 56 103 38 50 31
Okotumgbe 79 33 100 82 52 74 82 95 22 30 75 27 27 31

Map of Benue with Flight Distances

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