Map of Tupanatinga

Here is the location map of Tupanatinga.

Where is located Tupanatinga?

City is located in Tupanatinga, Tupanatinga, Microrregião do Vale do Ipanema, Mesorregião do Agreste Pernambucano, Pernambuco, Northeast Region, Brazil. Tupanatinga is located 48 km from AESA - CESA and 216 km from Hospedaria Cida & Chicão (Cama e Café). The nearest lake Fonte Artificial is 49 km away. The nearest beach Praia do Toco (Prainha) is 101 km away. The nearest museum Museu Frei Henrique Bröker is 95 km away. The nearest park Parque Estadual Reserva Ecológica Pico do Jabre is 167 km away. The nearest castle Castelo de João Timóteo is 133 km away. The nearest city Itaíba is 23 km away.

Nearest airports
Nearest hospitals